My Mission:
"Helping authors to share their stories in a way that engages readers."
My Method:
I am direct and honest, but I am also supportive and kind. My process has been tailored to ensuring my clients get the most bang for their buck. (Stock phrase used intentionally😊) My goal is to save authors the frustration of crumpling page after page and let them enjoy the creative process.

Step one:
Submit the first 5 pages of your completed novel. (I only work on projects that have a completed draft.) I will edit the 5 pages for free and email you a copy with my comments.
Step Three:
If we both think I might be a good fit for your project, you hire me to do a global read. I read the entire manuscript--up to 400 pages for $400--and give you general comments on each chapter and my overall impressions of your book.
Step Two:
We set up a phone or zoom conference to discuss my feedback.
Step Four:
We set up a second phone conference where we discuss my global feedback and my ideas of what must be done to make the novel marketable. If we decide to proceed, we sign a letter of agreement. I charge a reasonable rate per page, which includes a conference after the first 100 pages and then again once I finish editing. Additional conferences are offered at the halfway point as well as three quarters of the way through for an additional $25 per hour.